Yard Signs

Yard Signs


Our yard signs made from coroplast board are economical, lightweight, and weather resistant, making it the best outdoor sign material for displays or projects that require mass distribution. Use yard signs to advertise your business, event, or political campaign. Place yard signs around your building and in designated parking areas to help with logistical issues such as parking and directing guests.  Using event yard signs is an affordable way to publicize your event.

  • 4mm Coroplast print includes 1 H-stake per item.
  • 24" W by 18 "H

We welcome custom projects and sizes.  Please note that custom designs and/or sizes may incur additional costs.

Please contact us at: info@paragondisplay.com or by phone at 734-665-3686 for any custom projects questions.

Custom Sizes Available

We welcome custom projects and sizes.  Please note that custom designs and/or sizes may incur additional costs.

Please contact us at: info@paragondisplay.com or by phone at 734-665-3686 for any custom projects questions.